Sunday 23 June 2013

Your leave is rejected because your request for grant of Child Care leave cannot be considered at this stage!!! Which stage?? I said this stage!!:says Directorate of Education,Goa

At this stage:By Santosh S.Amonkar,Asstt.Director of Education

The Asstt. Director of Education Porvorim,Shri.Santosh S.Amonkar rejected a request for child care leave of primary school teacher because her request for leave cannot be considered at this stage.
Directorate of Education,Porvorim

A primary school teacher Smt.Vijaya Naik, Government Primary School Curca had applied for Child care leave.the Head Clerk of Central Education Zone,Panaji Smt.Maria Zita D’costa demanded gratifications on behalf of her superior Shri.N.G Honnekeri the then Asstt. Director of Education,Central Education zone,but this teacher ignored the demand.

Subsequently the application reached to the Directorate of Education,porvorim and then to the Asst.Director of Education, Shri.Santosh S. Amonkar. Shri.Santosh S.Amonkar for the reason of the demand being not fulfilled, found it fit to reject the request for leave on absurd and obscure grounds stating that the request for leave cannot be considered at this stage.
This teacher still does not know on which stage her request for leave was rejected.All this has happened during the tenure of Dr.Celsa Pinto the then director of Education.when Dr.Celsa Pinto was the director the teachers in Goa had to pay for sanctioning of leave, for sanctioning mutual transfer orders and lot of other things.This Asstt. Director of education Shri.Santosh S. Amonkar was the dealing hand of the Dr.Celsa Pinto and was carrying this activities on behalf of her.
Although Dr.Celsa Pinto now retired, her legacy has been carried forward by her protégées in the Directorate of Education.
The Directorate of Education still continues to harass teachers who do not have any political support,for sole purpose of financial gratifications.

Also the persons at political authority and power still control the education department as education department is a good source of income to these politicians and corrupt officials of the education department such as Shri. Santosh S.Amonkar.
later another Asstt.Director of Education at Central Educaiont zone Shri. S.K Talkar has adviced the said teacher Smt. Vijaya Naik to meet Shri.Babush Monserat to sanction her leave.

when the public has to approach the persons at political authority so that the government official perform their duties, it becomes evident to the common people that these politicians are the ones who stand behind each and every corrupt government official. 

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