Monday 18 March 2013

Mis-management and looting of the Government Primary Middle School Curca, tiswadi taluka(St.Andre Constituency) by the Headmistress and the teachers

The teachers and Headmistress of Government Primary Middle School, Curca(St.Andre Constituency) are looting the Government and the people of Curca.For primary section of the school there exists only 14 students but on enrolment 30 students are shown i.e 16 students are bogus .for these 14 students there are 3 teachers.

For middle section there exist only 5 students whereas the enrolment list shows 27 students i.e 22 students are bogus .in total 4 teachers teaches these 5 students.

Further when any authority comes for inspection or raises question about difference in actual presence of students and the total enrollment list, the person is told that “only for today the students have not come to school otherwise they come every day” .the attendance register of the students has also been manipulated. The present MLA of St.Andre Constituency Mr.Wagh had visited the school but nothing has changed it appears that all this is happening with the blessings of our beloved MLA.
The books, raincoats, text books and other material received for 57 students is shared by the headmistress and the teachers.
All the teachers including the headmistress leave the school at whatever time they want, and regularly enter the leaving time as 1’oclock.

The teachers have a strategy, each day a single teacher stays till 12 o’clock and others leave early at whatever time they want, so if caught they have a excuse that they are on leave, but if not caught (which happens all the time) they sign the attendance register the next day.

The education and future of these 19 students of the village of curca is on stake, these mismanagements and looting is going on for last seven years that is from the year 2005.
Further the various funds,grants,schemes received for the school are shared equally between the headmistress by making false bills and receipts.

The financial assistance received under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Scheme is not at all utilized for a single student, instead the funds disappear.
Before Mr.Wagh, the school staff had the blessings of Mr.Silvera.

Hope the people of St.Andre Constituency takes notice of the illegalities going on in their constituency.

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